Superwomen are paying for their professional, social, and empowerment success in all areas of life with emotional loneliness.

Recently, I discovered the renowned psychologist and sexologist Antonio Bolinches. I find him charming and very wise. I was particularly drawn to the thesis he defends in his book "The Superwomen Syndrome." According to his theory, the superwomen syndrome is a consequence of the power that women have acquired. We have become so empowered that it is increasingly difficult for us to find suitable men.
The profile of these women is 40 years old, attractive, intelligent, self-realized, with university education, and a good economic and professional position. And due to their excellence, they have difficulty finding suitable men. This is because we are in a crisis of total love confusion.
Women are disappointed because men are disoriented. And men are disoriented because they have to assimilate the leap that women have made in just three generations. We have gone from the sexist model of dominant men and subordinate women to an egalitarian model in which we naturally want to enrich ourselves.
Another thing to consider is that we have different expectations regarding our partners. Antonio Bolinches explains that for a man, being comfortable is sufficient, but a woman not only needs comfort but also needs to feel alive in the relationship. She needs the relationship to contribute and enrich her life, and the company to be worthwhile. Another gender difference is that a man prefers to be admired rather than the admirer. Thus, we need men to make an effort at self-criticism, but don't get your hopes up; according to experts, that will take two or three generations. Great! We just have to wait a few centuries.
So, the more evolved women pay the price of their personal evolution in emotional solitude. Why? Precisely because the more mature and values-driven a woman is, the more she naturally wants a man with a reciprocal profile. But, of course, women have risen so high on the scale of perfection that we increasingly have a smaller number of men to choose from because men are still disoriented. Men come from a model that benefited them: dominant men and subordinate women. This has changed in just 50 years, but the sexist model has lasted for 100,000 years. Fortunately, the vast majority of men accept that the relationship must be symmetrical, but they accept it rationally; culturally, they are not yet prepared. We could say in defense of men that leaving a privileged situation, even an unfair one, is difficult.
Men rationally understand that the relationship must be symmetrical, but out of social inertia and relationship management convenience, if the woman still accepts being the administrator of well-being at home, the man does not argue too much about doing the dishes.
Therefore, the man who evolves and matures has more women who fall in love with him. And the woman who evolves and matures has fewer men, for two reasons: firstly, because those who would correspond to her in terms of profile prefer more comfortable relationships, and therefore the sample is smaller, and secondly, because they themselves obviously do not want an asymmetrical relationship with a man whom they do not find even minimally admirable.
So, with this overwhelming panorama, what can women do? The best way to manage this reality is always to accept it, know that the sample of suitable men is small, prioritize your personal development project, and go calmly through life. In fact, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's ideal of love coincides perfectly with this attitude of emotional autonomy of self-realized superwomen. Antoine said, "Love is not about going towards each other but walking together in the same direction." The best thing is to go calmly through life, not be reactive, not punish men, accept reality and constructively use your intelligence. Constructive intelligence is very important for both men and women because a man who makes women feel